2020 Silverton Fire Station Seismic Upgrades Bldg B
Contractors are invited to bid on the Seismic Renovation for Silverton Fire Station
(Project), located at the Silverton Fire District, 819 Rail Way NE, Silverton, OR 97381.
The Project consists of seismic upgrades to an existing building located at the same
address, per District specifications. Sealed bids will be received by Bill Miles, Fire Chief
at 819 Rail Way NE, Silverton, OR 97381 at or before 3:00 p.m., March 3, 2020. Bids
will be publically opened immediately following this closing.
No prequalification will be required for this Project. A non-mandatory pre-bid walk thru
will be held at 10:00AM February 12, 2020.
The terms, conditions and specifications for this Project (Project Documents) may be
examined at Silverton Fire District (District) office located at 819 Rail Way NE, Silverton,
OR 97381, between the hours of 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday until
March 3, 2020. The Project Documents will be available at this location and are
downloadable from the District website at www.silvertonfire.com from the date of this
Notice until March 3, 2020.
Paper copies may be obtained from the architect for a nonrefundable
fee of $35. Electronic copies are free by email, please inquire per below.
Please direct all inquiries to Gene Bolante, Studio 3 Architecture 503-390-6500
gene@studio3architecture.com .